填空题:根据以下材料,回答题。Psychologists take contrastive views of how exter

Psychologists take contrastive views of how external rewards, from (31)__________ praise to cold cash, affectmotivation and creativity. Behaviorists, (32)__________ research the relation (33) __________ actions and their conse-quences argue that rewards can improve performance at work and school. Cognitive researchers, who study variousaspects of mental life, maintain (34)__________ rewards often destroy creativity (35) __________ encouraging depend-ence (36)__________ approval and gifts from others.
The latter view has gained many supporters, especially (37)__________ educators, But the careful use of smallmonetary rewards sparks (38)__________in grade-school children, suggesting (39) __________properly presented in-ducements indeed aid inventiveness, (40)__________to a study in the June Journal of Personality and Social Psychol-ogy.
"If kids know they're working for a (41)__________and can focus (42)__________ a relatively challenging task,they show the most creativity", says Robert Eisenberger of the University of Delaware in Newark. "But it's easy tokill creativity by giving rewards for (43) __________performance or creating too (44)__________anticipation for re-wards."
A teacher (45) __________continually draws attention to rewards or who hands (46)__________high grades forordinary achievement ends up (47) __________discouraged students, Eisenberger holds. (48) __________an exampleof the latter point, he notes growing efforts at major universities to tighten grading standards and restore failing
In earlier grades, the use of so-called token economies, in (50) __________students handle challenging problemsand receive performance-based points toward valued rewards, shows promise in raising effort and creativity, the Del-aware psychologist claims.

计算桥梁墩台侧模强度时采用的荷载有(  )。

计算桥梁墩台侧模强度时采用的荷载有(  )。A.新浇筑钢筋混凝土自重 B.振捣混凝土时的荷载 C.新浇筑混凝土时对侧模的压力 D.施工机具荷载 E.倾倒混凝土时


暖季型草种在华北地区适宜的种植季节为(  )。

暖季型草种在华北地区适宜的种植季节为(  )。A.冬末春初 A.冬末春初 B.春末夏初 B.春末夏初 C.夏末秋初 C.夏末秋初 D.秋末冬初 D.秋末冬初


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施工精度高、适用各种土层的不开槽管道施工方法是(  )。A.夯管 B.定向钻 C.浅埋暗挖 D.密闭式顶管


关于沉井下沉监控测量的说法,错误的是(  )。

关于沉井下沉监控测量的说法,错误的是(  )。A.下沉时标高、轴线位移每班至少测量一次 B.封底前自沉速率应大于10mm/8h C.如发生异常情况应加密测量 D


水利工程建设过程中的验收包括( )验收。

水利工程建设过程中的验收包括( )验收。A.单元工程 B.分部工程 C.阶段 D.单位工程 E.竣工
