单选题:回答题。DHigh gas prices and the ongoing concern for the enviro

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  • 题目类型:单选题
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High gas prices and the ongoing concern for the environment have prompted an increasing num- ber of environmentally sensitive businesses to focus attention outside of the workplace and on those carpool lanes, bike lanes and even sidewalks.
Many businesses are now encouraging and rewarding employees who use alternate forms of transportation to get to and from work.For some companies, it means paying the daily fares and the bill for mass transit for their employees.Other companies are rewarding carpoolers with prizes such as gift cards to local businesses.
While carpooling has attracted fewer than 8 percent of the nation daily commuters, vanpooling has arisen as another choice, with companies hiring vans, designating a driver and giving commuters the opportunity to relax on the way to the office.According to the Santa Barbara County Van Pools in Southern California, riders pay anywhere from $ 100 to $ 175 per month, depending on the distance to and from the destination, which typically beats paying for gas.In some cases, companies are set-
ting up their own vanpools, such as those used by Safeco Insurance, which offers rewards to employ-ees who use any of the 80 active vanpools that are set up throughout the country.
Biking to and from the office is also gaining popularity: "We give out a bicycle to everyone who has worked at the company for at least one year," says Bryan Simpson of New Belgium Beer in Fort Collins, Colorado.The environmentally driven brewery, which runs on the power of wind turbines, has seen more employees biking.
Joshua Scott Onysko, the founder and CEO of Boulder, Colorado-based Pangea Organics, who also gives mass transit passes to employees, sat down with his staffers to determine what else could be done to encourage "greener" commuting."We found that a lot of people would bike to work but needed a place to change and dry off," explains Onysko."We responded by turning 500 square feet of our facility into lockers and showers for employees biking to work."
For those who are not eager bikers, there's always another basic, earth-friendly alternative."I walk to my office every day," says Kelly LaPlante, the founder of Kelly LaPlante Organic Design in Venice, California."In fact, everybody who works for us, more than part time, is within walking distance."
How many means of transportation are mentioned in the passage in protecting the environment? A.Three.


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