

Energy and Public Lands

The United States boasts substantial energy resources.Federal lands provide a good deal of US energy
production,the US Department of the Interior manages federal energy leasing(租赁),both on land and on
the offshore Outer Continental Shelf. Production from these sources amounts to nearly 30 percent of total
annual US energy production.
In 2000,32 percent of US oil,35 percent of natural gas,and 37 percent of coal were produced from
federal lands,representing 20,000 producing oil and gas leases and 135 producing coal leases.Federal lands
are also estimated to contain approximately 68 percent of all undiscovered US oil reserves and 74 percent of
undiscovered natural gas.
Revenues from federal oil,gas,and coal leasing provide significant returns to US taxpayers as well as
State Government.In 1999,for example,$553 million in oil and gas revenues were paid to the US Treasury,
and non-Indian coal leases accounted for over $304 million in revenues,of which 50 percent were paid to
State governments.Public lands also play a critical role in energy delivery.Each year,federal land managers
authorize rights of way for transmission lines,rail systems,pipelines,and other facilities related to energy
production and use.
Alternative energy production from federal lands falls behind conventional energy production,though the
amount is still significant. For example , federal geothermal(地热)resources produce about 7. 5 billion
kilowatt-hours(千瓦时)of electricity per year , 47 percent of all electricity generated from US geothermal
energy.There are 2,960 wind turbines on public lands in California alone,producing electricity for about
300 ,000 people. Federal hydropower(水电)facilities produce about 17 percent of all hydropower produced
in the United States.
Because of the growing US thirst for energy and increasing public unease with dependence on foreign oil
sources,pressure on public lands to meet US energy demand is becoming more intense.Public lands are
available for energy development only after they have been evaluated through the land use planning process.
If development of energy resources conflicts with management or use of other resources,development restric-
tions or impact moderation measures may be enforced,or mineral production may be banned altogether.
Which of the following statements is true of public lands in the U.S.?
A:Half of US energy is produced there.
B:The majority of undiscovered natural gas is stored there.
C:Most of coal was produced from there in 2000.
D:Most energy resources are reserved there.

When she was invited to the party,she readily accepted.

When she was invited to the party,she readily accepted.A:willingly B:suddenly C:firmly D:quickly









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