
Study Confirms Red Meat Link with Bowel(结肠)Cancer

People who eat more than 160 grams of red or processed meat a day are 35 percent

more likely to develop bowel cancer than those who eat less_________(1)20 grams a

day,according to one of the biggest nutrition investigations ever carried out.

The European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition followed 478,040

men and women________(2)35 to 70 from 10 European countries.

All subjects were free of cancer at enrollment between 1992 and 1998,but______

(3)an average follow-up of almost 5 years 1,329 bowel cancers had been reported.

The subsequent analysis,published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute,

confirms the long-held suspicion________(4) high intakes(纳入量)of red meat are

associated with increased bowel_________(5)risk.

After taking into consideration factors like age,sex,height,weight,energy intake,

physical activity,smoking,and alcohol consumption,the investigators found that bowel

cancer was________(6)with intake of red and processed meat but not chicken.

Risk of bowel cancer dropped with increasing intake of fish.Eating more than 80 grams

a day of fish was associated________(7)a 31 percent reduction in risk compared with

eating less than 10 grams a________(8).

Subjects with high red meat and low fish intake were at 63 percent higher risk of bowel

cancer compared with subjects with low red meat and high fish_________(9).In

addition,the risk of developing the disease was increased for_________(10)people

who ate a low fibre diet.

Sheila Bingham,study investigator at the UK's Medical Research Council nutrition unit,

said:"People have suspected for some time that high levels of red and processed meat

________(11)risk of bowel cancer,but this is one of the largest studies worldwide and

the first from Europe of this type to show a________(12)relationship."

She added in a statement:"The overall picture is very consistent for red and processed

meat and fibre across all the________(13)populations studied."

Study coordinator,Elio Riboli,of the World Health Organisation International Agency for

Research into Cancer,said:"Other risk factors for_________(14)cancer include

obesity(肥胖)and lack of physical activity. Smoking and excess alcohol may also play a

________(15).These factors were all taken into account in the analysis."
A: Asian
C: European


设计施工总承包合同模式下,关于承包人负责竣工后试验的说法正确的是( )。 A、试验所必需的电力、设备、燃料、仪器、劳力、材料等由承包人提供 B、发包人应派遣具有适当资质和经验的工作人员在承包人的技术指导下进行 C、承包人提供所需要的所有其他设备、仪器,派遣有资质和经验的工作人员,发包人在不在场均可进行 D、承包人提供所需要的所有其他设备、仪器,派遣有资质和经验的工作人员,在发包人在场的情况下进行


You should have blended the butter with the sugar thoroughly.

You should have blended the butter with the sugar thoroughly.A:spread B:mixed C:beaten D:covered






下列关于CM管理方法说法正确的是( )。 A、有利于缩短建设工期 B、可以减少施工阶段因修改设计而造成的实际进度拖后 C、可以避免因设备供应而造成工程延期 D、分批投产,提前获得收益 E、监理工程师只要负责设计方面的管理和协调工作就可以确保工期目标的实现



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