单选题:根据下面内容,回答题:Shoes are outer coverings for the foot. They have

  • 题目分类:英语
  • 题目类型:单选题
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Shoes are outer coverings for the foot. They have soles, and most have heels. The upper part of most shoes extend no higher than the ankle. Boots are footwear that reach beyond the ankle. People wear shoes to protect their feet from harsh weather, sharp objects, and uncomfortable surfaces. Shoes are also an important part of people's clothing. As a result, fashion often determines the style of shoes that individuals wear. The desire to be fashionable has led to many unusual shoe styles. In the 1300's,many European men wore shoes called crackowes, which had an extremely long toe. From the 1300's to the 1700's, some European women wore shoes with really thick soles causing walking to be virtually impossible without support. Shoes once worn in the Orient were connected to a stilt(高跷) as high as six inches.
Traditionally, most shoes are made of leather. But many other materials are now used. Including canvas, velvet, and synthetic substances such as plastics. Footwear materials and style vary somewhat,depending on climate, custom, or other differences. Farmers in Netherlands often wear heavy wooden shoes that protect their feet from the damp environment while Japanese wear shoes outside their home but prefer soft slippers at home. In fact, people in some regions often wear foot coverings other than shoes. Some wear sandals during the hot summer and switch to warm boots for the cold winter.

What is the main topic of the passage? A.The history of the shoes.
B.Shoes around the world.
C.The definition of shoes.
D.Shoes and fashion.


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在安装会计软件之前,必须要先安装相应的(  )软件。A.符合会计软件的操作系统 B.数据库管理系统 C.办公自动化软件 D.缺少的支撑软件
