单选题:回答题:  A new kind of radar has been developed for spaceship t

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  A new kind of radar has been developed for spaceship travelers.A working laboratory mod-el of a new system of radar that makes useof a beam of light is said to be ten thousand timesmore accurate than the bestcomparable system of radar that used microwaves.
  The model has shown that this radar system,known as laser—dopplerradar,can measurewith absolute precision speeds varyingfrom spaceship orbital injection(进入)velocities(速度)of five miles per second down to virtual stops--speeds of less thanone ten thousandth ofall inch per second.According tothe scientists who are developing this system,such finemeas-ures of velocity are of prime importance in space missions.In a rendezvous(对接)betweentwo spaceships,or in a landing approach by a vehicle onto an orbiting space station,a bumpcould rip open a ship’S skin,or anudge could knock the station out of its orbit.
  The light-beam radar,which operates at afrequency of trillions(百万兆)of cycles persecond,could easily detect and measure the movement of a vehicle edging upto a satellitespace station.A control system using SOprecise a signal as this would allow a huge vehicle todock at a space stationas lighfly as a feather.
Laser—doppler radar_______. A.makes use of microwaves
B.measures the movements ofa spaceship by means of light beam
C.makes use of sound waves
D.Both A and B






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在约翰逊和施乐斯提出的渐进性变革的四个发展阶段中,如果战略变化呈现无方向或无重心的特点。那么,该阶段属于(  )。

在约翰逊和施乐斯提出的渐进性变革的四个发展阶段中,如果战略变化呈现无方向或无重心的特点。那么,该阶段属于(  )。A.连续阶段 B.渐进阶段 C.不断改变阶段
